HomeMy WebLinkAbout24x24 Garage 1983 TOWN OFMONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permi t No. 4/8'3/ Date �� ;�- Estimated Cost ›ir 7 7 � ' Fee / e Owner Address 0 /../ z,--0_ •.--1�-csz,�t'Te 1 e. Z.Contracto Address Tele. Location of Building 12. J„ Q , Zone No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition sign erection) , )? ' Ix cR 9 / ,- =4/,..L9--1-e— New Building - Type of Construction Size Type of Heat Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Si g n e d % ra &17,7 Approved Date 0-,3-- ft1, ( /yBuilding Inspector 9 /24K6Z,7.a10.? r Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed 0 / 83 0E MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT PA/' ZONING PE •' ,IT NO. 98 Fee Paid:' 3." c Date:. 7 .:,3 Permission is hereby granted toAL' (Gt•t- _ • • .� erect a L L on the side of �'" �'GFr,s7iov.-......,,, 4,4. as follows: Size ft. long, '--e_ft. wide, '7--- "sbries high; distance from road center line fit;distance from each side lot line: E <'&ft; W c "'ft; ,4 Nc., 4-ft;• S ®'mit; for the use a,' the facility as a G.2o� Vf' (,/k-hvc G 4 AN.A% 1.-- Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville, Connecticut THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR /� X147(9 oning A, nt The recipient of this permit accepts it on the condition that he, as mer or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances end regulations f the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that the facility can not be used until a Certificate of Use and Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Commission and that any change of use similarly does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. Before a Certificate of Use and Compliance will be issued a plot plan drown to a scale of 1 "- 40' prepared and certified in compliance with provisions contained in Section 8.2 of the Zoning Regulations must be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission showing all boundaries of the properly and es is location(s) of all buildings on the property including the center line of any public or private right-of-way, sanitary facilities and water supply. APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT, TOWN OF MONTVIJT.F, CONNECTICUT • To be filled out by Applicant — Ti original and two) carbon copies . -- Date n25. 1983 The undersigned ereby applies to the Zoning and Planning Commission for a permit to, ta:// - Q • / • . / • Location of Property g Alny,�4/2 a 4L� /1 c�' Name of Subdivision y t� Lot No. s Assessor's Block No. 93 , Assessor's Parcel No. :38 Name of (Owner) (Agent)),c p, f kJ1nn a Dari- , Address Size of Building in ft.: Front overall ` % ' ' ru _ �i i c '� . Depth overall / A ea 7' No. of stories r Height in ft. sq. ft. /� No: of rooms / No. of bedrooms A.�y No. of bathrooms AI/ , Zoning District RA40 , Area of Lot Lot 1Pidth��� ft., Front Yard Depth/03,5 tr°/57/ sq. ft- • Lot frontage /00 ft. 3,5 ft. Rear Yard Depth97:1 ft. , Side Yard Depth // ft. Purpose of building and/or use is aQ/--a9P, Water Supply to consist of /f�j4 Sanitary facility to consist of / 4. , Date of Sanitation Officer approval A.11/1- Remarks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the Ordinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning Commission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree that the agree that the above described facility is to be located at the proper distance from all street lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinances and regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance with the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and Compliance .for gA,e42a• described on for a permit. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupiin eduntil the aaoCertificate ve iof Use and Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Commission. Signed �- dA � a. /7 • (Owner) (Agent) Tel. No. n57-3310 approved by Zoning Agent Date coning Permit No. 6-''-7F issued. )isapproved by ' Date teason • LC/10/70 . , A5SeSSoR5 mop #� 1 •- undress: 8 i .nnSJluoniaQv�, Su i tcd�n9 : Propogen �RAGE 5'76 `7� f Onu •l CT, a .27a �l � tia� r/ j't. ■1.■.■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■memai■1!n a� ammum■N■■■■■■■■■ ur ■■. ■.11 IINIl11.11101111111IIIuln111111WW1l1111 IIIII1111111 111111 111 11iNI■.■■ ■.■■.i.■■■.■..■■■.■■■ .■■■■...■..■. 111■■. ■.. ■.1■■.... iii .�_.�-�■ H_ .■■■■■.■■.■■.■■.■NH.■■ ■■■■■■■mall ■.■H Mi■■ ■.■11 ■■■■ YN■■■.aiii -d■■i!m■■■■■■■■H■ ■■■I.■■■■■■■■■■.■■N�.i■■ !.0■1.■..1n1.1111.1....■ ipla !!■■i■■�.■1�11.1H1■■.■■1. ■■.■111..1111 ■111■11..■.11N..1....■..■■.■.Pt ■�.i.i:■im.: 11111.n111 ■1.1.■.11..11111..1..1..11 1111■.MUM.11■■11■11■■1■1 `V� I� 7.��!��■ ■■.1111■11■1■■11■ .H.......I11iNi■.■■■■■111�1i.:-lai:I!l11ii�lii1®....ma.1~�---•.l..illl. ■■.■■111111M11.1...■11...1..HU■A1■111.■......■1■.1■.I1.■.Ga61 ■■x/1111 ■1.11..111111111.■1111■.■■■11N.1■111.1.1..111■■11.N.. 1■■1111111.1■..IMI■.1111■111 ■.■..■■.■■111■..■1■■.■■1■■.■.■■■.■1.■.■■.■.■.■1■■.■■.■.■.■■Hill ■1.1111■■■ ■■■11■■.■..M■1...111■....i..■.■11 1.■.■.11..1.1■1■1111.1■.1■■.1111■11..■1111 11111111011111111111011111 11111111111111111119110 =o 11111,11111 lIIIHhIIIIIIhIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIo ;IIiIIIlIIIuIII1ii1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 ..i ., ■■■■■■■■■■.11.■1.■■■ IIuIIIIIIIcIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIoIIunhIlIIumIIIIIIIIIIIIIu, IInuuIrMINI■■.■1■1111 ■■■■.N■■■■■■■.■■..■■. 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