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Electrical Service Replacement 1992
/ej `� TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 10326-E Approval Date: 9/10/92 Expiration Date: 3/10/93 Estimated Cost: 600 .00 Fees: 10 .00 PRF: C .O Owner: Robert Rys Address: 16 Peachvale Drive Tel : Job Location: 16 Peachvale Drive Code: 06 Contractor: Bonner Electric Address: P .0 .366 Tel: 848-8539 Stick Built: x Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : x Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: Repair/Replacement: x Type of material used/discription: install new service Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No . Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and the Town of Montville . /, Applicant 's Signature: 2I0 ? r30-r� y�©�y Date: If signed by Contractor , type of license/registra ion & No: j / /C.,- Building Official 's Signature: AL �. >I /9 Or _ _ _ . ..I �_4� Ai� - ate= 9/1/ 9' Date of Health Dept . Approval : /1/ // ''4• Date of Zoning Approval : 41;1/4-- THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE , SECTION 119 .1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE . //, 3 a 6- C TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department application for a Permit Owner: __________Lis____, Address: • / / Tel : Job Location: Contractor: ,,V-O�i /_ 3G . Address: _ U�oe , , Stick Built: � Tel : y �,f�j Modular Home: Manufactured Home: commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Sidin _. Roofing: g: __ Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: _ Heating: Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: �-' Repair/Replacement: ________ Type of Material to be used/job description: Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: -- No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Uae: