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Furnace Replacement 2015
Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department 860-848-3030 Ext.382 Address: 12 Peachvale Drive Job Description: Replace Furnace Permit Number(s) M2015-0008 Permit Date: January 20,2015 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Comments Special Date Conditions Exhaust pipe • . • connections • 1/29/15 DJ Exhaust pipe • • clearances • 1/29/15 DJ Electric 1/29/15 DJ Ducts 1/29/15 DJ A/C 1/29/15 DJ Condensate pump 1/29/15 DJ I • Final inspection and 1/29/15 DJ certificate of approval • Rev.Date: 1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE _ UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit Number:_U2015-0008 Date: 20-,1.ao 5 Map/Lot:_0841_11.5-00_0__________Owner ID: 5379000 Project Location: 12 PEACHVALE DRIVE Unit: Job Description: _Replace Furnace Owner Nam F Michae ant Jove M Bianchi Tenant Name_N/A _ Careof: 12 Pe.acby le Dr lJnc asvlje _CT _06_182- Telephone: ($601848,1365 Applicant Name The Heat People Inc. _ Telephone: 03_60)848,4121 DBA: _ Lic/Reg Type S1 Lic/Reg N 303052_ _E_Q_Box 2Q.1 Exp Date: 31-Auoj5_ tincasville C:L f16 82- rnostruetioo\/nljn Perrnit ees CorjstninNonJnformntinn Building Value: Sn 00 Building Fee: S-000_ Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: Sp 0� Plumbing Fee: Sign_ Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Valu 55.412,00_ Mechanical Fe S72.00__ Electrical Value: SD-0_0_. Electrical Fee: _ _ SpfQO_ Construction Type IRC Total Value: $5.412.00 Penalty Fee: SOOIL Permit Code: R5 C of 0 Fee: _ S0 00 Comment Plan Review Fe -- S1.00_. State Ed Fee: S1.41_ Total Fee Paid: ,,— 573.41 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING,MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete Cl Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor frami ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping INSPECTIO ,•EQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ❑d Certifies of A..roval ■ Certi'ca-- c Occupancy _Ektactina 0lficia AODroVaL Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: 1Y1,41'>i s-Dope Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type ❑ New Construction MSingle Family ❑ Building ❑Addition ❑Two-Family Plumbing istAlteration ❑Townhouse Mechanical ❑Accessory Structure ❑ Electrical CRS#: Job Address: I ��C1C ✓C� 1 e (Number) (Street) (Unit) Job Description: � J 0 Owner: IY\ ► K-e (}N.) Address: 1 a P c - vC^, '- R City: U, ..5 t f\ l ` State: Zip Code(teaEsa a. Telephone: b ' '4n ' Contractor .a p.t.s.T l—e To L. DBA: Address: P " °')k, 961 City: LI VZ G�SCv \ 1 State: a Zip Code:C(c)Sa, Telephoned(20 "7,4 0 -4 (2.l License Type: GI License No.: C) O3ni,7 Expiration Date: . 3 t, I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box, I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner/Agent Signature: ,! � Date: Construction Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: (Li Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: 5 y ( Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: Penalty Fee: C of 0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: Revised.August 23,2007 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 14-Jan-15 10068 ReceiptNo: Received From: The Heat People Inc. Job Address: 12 Peachvale Road Town Fees Collected State of Connecticut Fees Collected Bldg Cash: $0.00 State Cash: $0.00 Bldg Check: $73.41 State Check: $1.41 Bldg Credit: $0.00 State Credit: $0.00 Fire Cash: $0.00 Fire Check: $0.00 Fire Credit: $0.00 Construction Value: $5,412.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 CheckNo: 22193 Received By: Carmen Kneeland k 44.0 A_ QCk Address: 12 Peachvale Road ITEM QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA Basement,Finished SF $ 41.96 $ - $ _ Interior Renovations SF $ 36.09 $ - $ - $ _ AMENITIES Kitchen EA $ - $ $ Full Bathroom EA $ - $ _ Half-Bathroom EA $ - $ - GARAGE Detached SF $ 71.53 $ - $ _ MECHANICAL Warm-Air n Y/N Hot Water n Y/N Electric n Y/N Air Conditioning n Y/N $ - ELECTRICAL SERVICE Upgrade Amps $ - Subpanel EA $ 699.00 $ _ Gen Set EA $ 3,850.00 $ - SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 6,497.70 $ - Masonry w/lfireplace EA $ 7,096.65 $ - Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 11,095.70 $ - Wood Stove,free standing EA $ 2,692.25 $ - Wood stove insert EA $ 1,859.77 $ - DECKS,PORCHES,SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 44.07 $ - Porch - SF $ 149.38 $ - Sunroom SF $ 176.90 $ - $ _ POOLS&HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 8,016.25 $ - $ _ Inground Pool EA $ 31,550.00 $ - $ Above Ground Round EA $ 6,299.46 $ - $ _ Above Ground Oval EA $ 7,019.75 $ - $ _ Pool Heater - EA $ 8,984.25 $ - $ _ Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1,200.00 $ - $ _ SHEDS w/o electrical SF $ 25.55 $ - w/electrical SF $ 26.85 $ - $ RENOVATIONS Roofing,Overlay SF $ 3.50 $ - Roofing,Strip&reroof SF $ 4.50 $ - Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.51 $ - Siding SF $ 6.75 $ - Windows EA $ 550.00 $ - Skylights EA $ 1,051.10 $ - Doors,Exterior EA $ 601.50 $ - Oil Tank,275 Gallon EA $ - Oil Tank,550 Gallon EA $ - MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS $ 5,412.00 TOTALS $ - $ - $ 5,412.00 $ - PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ $ _ Plumbing y $ - $ Mechanical y $ 5,412.00 $ 72.00 Electrical y $ - $ Working before Permit Issuance $ _ Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ _ Plan Review Fee $ State Education Fee $ 1.41 TOTALS $ 5,412.00 $ 73.41 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data THE HEAT PEOPLE INC. P.O. BOX 901 UNCASVILLE CT 06382 860-848-4121 #303067 JANUARY 14, 2015 TOWN OF MONTVILLE REF: 12 PEACHVALE ROAD, UNCASVILLE I, LARRY E. FOWLER, AUTHORIZE JEFF BREAULT TO PULL A PERMIT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE BOILER AT THE ABOVE LOCATION. THE COST OF THE INSTALLATION FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWELVE DOLLARS. THANK YOU, LARRY E. FOWLER THE HEAT PEOPLE INC. •.Li[ •t • °. TATE OF CONNECTICUT + DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION Be it known that • LARRY E FOWLER 6 STONE HILL RD '' ; GRISWOLD, CT 06351 has been certified by the Department of Consumer Protection as a licensed HEATING, PIPING & COOLING UNLIMITED CONTRACTOR .,`v License # HTG.0303067-S1 Effective: 09/01/2014 -Expiration: 08/31/2015 William M. Rubenstein,Comnussioucr Y Y Y •1' G 'Yjf a . 4 .. .1 •1.• •1 '-.. ,+. ... .1.' .... ,1. ,1, w . .{. .. .i.'•a .1- •a.. .1. AA.%.1 la.. . +.p1, aa•',1•.. '•... ..{,'u�`u .l. �`�.{.�..� r l l Aug 1) iU14 9: 19AM 'Jaws,^ 1,irou No, 0316 P 1/1 x ___ITP: I i� (Tr ns A(.—:CAR -CERTIFICATE LIABILITY RA• CE {I DATA tMbtlDOVYYYYF THIS r.FRTIFIC:ATF IS MS U►FO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ANLY ANFR Nr? RIC3H7S_UPON.THF cERTIFICATE_ HQt DER_THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND >3R ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE Qf I4SURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER{$), AUTNOE0 REPRESENTATIVE ORPRODUCtft,AND T -CERT-MCAT*NOLDRIlt. , i1 TANT: if the certiicat* bonier is an ADDITIONAL Ilttl#JRtt),the poacyties) must be endorsed, if ive4?fe rt'fiif t*WAftritIZ subject to_ ; hs fear!-and emndtdons of the Palley, eadtatn Pa,$'ctcs.may rcgu:cg an sndarscmcnl, A 5fatsmsnf on this ccrf[llcats dans nof confg.rktft IP- certlllcate holder In lieu o1 such endo rsnmenitsi. PROFAXER ` `T Lori Alldredge Pawaon Group • -;, gr�Fr4S3 T8Fd �sfJ� °�t?lzl:2p3'i547 i fI � 203491-5077 _Branford, CT 06405 PEg_ Ioriat pawaon.carn Kenneth Mitchel! INBURER(B)AFFORDING COVERAGE 1 NAIC S I INRURFRA UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE 25976 INSURED The Heat People Inc INSURER R:HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANY 128424 P.Q.Sox 901 INSURER c ttncasvttte,CT Or 38-2 - • INSURER 0: t$ INSURER E INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: } THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY-PERIOD i ihi&iCATECI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REORiIREMENt, TER#/OR CONDITiOlsi OF ANY CONTR CT OR OTi9ERkt—inositt WITH RESPECT TO MON THIS _CERTIFICATE..NAY_RE IS.SM OR NAY PERTAIN.THE.INSURANCE AFfORJ)£0_RY THE PQUCtf_3 EAC,RIRFt) HFRFIN IS SURdECT,TO.ALL.THE TERMS, , EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED eY PAID CLAIMS. ETR j TYPE DFReets awCE a»rt i NM61 PQNCV omen eAouv of r i IFIM iYAYY1 L I GENERAL 1N5kiTY iEACH OCCURRS IC& J 1,000,000 A j X CCWEPCIK.DEr A.tIABUTY f457839$ 08122/2014 08/22/2015 1 per" Estc1-o m Anes} I* . 100, CLAIM^MCCI . X j"CUR j I roof KwtA:nrolerarca,l S i©, L— 4 (ecRooNAL s ADV Ir/,uay 4 1,000, •. I str eon.+ sa:re [4 .3,000, • tstn ACKVEC,TE OATAPPUEDPEtr. I { (t-,-,r. ecru.corny r,Aoa {s 3,000, LAtltolssiuststtt.ttY �. ��g»gMp {aeLttt}ma:tLmur f 1,000, Af J MvfllITO i4 110p22/9014 I sLIWILY VAX?Wer per.cml 1} - ...4J'/'1Pi:t1 S III/VI.-Ltl { f ( ( {{tJ41Ull'Y lt&1 Y Ow B:C14e 1!1I$ i AUTOS F--f A-'-'..__ (I (1 (I t (I_f�__ (1 (t jj ff t�tREO a!TOS ygL'3Tt rrtu f i f (` jj1{ tR AMI t T)Utrt'CO �� i6 } i I -[-----1-4 — _{ F - Y _______Il ` l E}CCE:rS Li" I 1 CLA1A4&MN3E I I M�aPE+2A1E 4 • i I n i i RE F �'MI-{ I , ,ter-L CtI� f _� I ____________4 wcmtrrxiL�c[rAscrczv ( r °tut j--1 Eft. ANO CIt�.OYE*t L,* LnY Y1rt I I I I ---_-- --___--i $ AM'FROFRETORFARTIFF ECUT1vE j--- I NIA{ 11I02WECCK5152 08/2212014 08/22/2813 tI .hArmA.AuJrm 4 500O0 fCCI^FOliARROFX19 I R1FhQ - IwnealIWIARM ( j 1 j t I OVA,* t-Ararar.)rrr4_ 500►00G. :..vs. r n.�r. f li i S[_RIP7Y,lN JlF C1PFRPTICJd�Ifj.M4rr 4 I Al..INSF ASF POI C 1!MIT 1$ 500,000 t { f t ) OESCRWTKNiOC OPERATIONS f LOCAT10AM t VF14CLES {Attach.ACORIMIKAddIT,basar Remaas Schedule,4-martspecs}e/tguiraQ f f t i I CERTIFICATE HOLDER r CANCELLATION TOWNOFM ` SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES-BE CANCELLED WORE tit- fXPiRAfiasv PAfE fHtteto€, sari,^!= mt. lit orifirti c in Town vf.IYtuni�itllsr 'ACCORDANCE WITH tHEPouSY PROVISIONS. $i a Norwich-How London-Tpk a AUTHORIZE-0 REPRESENTATIVE ttacassr<lttlr, Kenneth Mitchell } 041988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION All rights rase - A4.uN 12512010J06) The ACORD name and4ogo are registered marks of ACuRD • SxN, Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL l C1,, VC,I ( Property Address f k)t a2k Cur Act(' e Job Description The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval ® Tax Collector �I C� c�� l' ` ' l tq.11 S Required for all permits Comments: WPCA, Administrative Required for properties on sewer Comments: / WPCA, Operations 4 \ `� 1 When Required by WPCA Comments: ■ Planning &Zoning ,A f //7//s � Required for all permits Health Department Required for properties with septic systems-Not required for Plumbing, Electrical,Mechanical,Roofing, Siding,Windows&Doors Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works Required when project includes driveway work or certain drainage requirements Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation Required for Structures over 100,000 sq. ft.or with more than 200 panting spaces-Official copy of STC Certificate of Operation required—per CGS 14-311 Comments: Fire Marshal - t� Required for all permits Comments: 4ZevisedAug¢st 5,2005