HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof-Mounted Solar System 2015 Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department 860-848-6782, Ext. 782 Address: 123 Park Avenue Ext_ Job Description: Install a 3.445kW Roof Mounted Solar System Permit Number(s) B2016-0024, E2016-0014 Permit Date: January 20,2016 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Comments Special Date Conditions Roof reinforcement 8/24/16 DJ Roof mounts 8/23/16 DJ Inverter 8/23/16 DJ Electric 8/24/16 DJ Grounding 8/24/16 DJ Panel labeling 8/24/16 DJ Conduit 8/23/16 DJ Final inspection for • 8/24/16 DJ certificate of approval Rev.Date: 1/18/06 paoe 1 d 1 Page 1 of 2 Request Detail Request Number: 2675718 Print Contractor Customer Customer Name ABOY,RALEIGH N Address 123 PARK AVE EXT UNCASVILLE, CT 06382 Phone (860) 514-7884 Other Job Location Building Number 123 Street PARK AVE Town, State. Zip Code MONTVILLE/UNCASVILLE, CT Cross Street Job Status I Prerequisites Status Date Completed Interconnection Application Received Completed _ 1/26/2016 (Municipal Inspection Completed 8/24/2016 Job Assignments Technician Assigned Roye, Krystal Area Work Center(AWC) New London Area Work Center Technician Email royek@nu.com Technician Phone (860) 665-3251 Job Schedule Request created on 01/26/2016 Scheduled Start Date Not Available Customer Requested Date 02/02/2016 Completion Date Not Available Meter Information Job Information Service Type Dist Resources Cat 1 Interconnection General Remark Customer is the primary contact Meter Number 884994402 Pole Number H9406 Circuit Number 1Q6 Requested Date 02/02/2016 Work Required Code Cat1 < 10KW No Witness Test https://www.eversource.com/clp/wms/requestdetail.aspx?cd_wr=2675718&st_rgmt=UNAPPROVED&a=0&nl=insptrkrgst 8/24/2016 Page 2 of 2 Customer Type Residential Inspector Remark 08/24/2016 - DAVID JENSEN Approved Request Note: If the work request is canceled, please contact the Clearing Desk toll-free at 1-888-544-4826(1-888-LIGHTCO) Approve xj Fail l.2 Add Remarks https://www.eversource.com/c1p/wms/requestdetail.aspx?cd wr=2675718&st rgmt=UNAPPROVED&a=0&nl=insptrkrgst 8/24/2016 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860)848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: B2016-0024 Date: 20-Jan-16 Map/Lot: 096/018-000 Owner ID: 5328000 Project Location: 123 PARK AVENUE EXTENSION Unit: Job Description: Install a 3.445kW Roof Mounted Solar System Owner Nam Raleigh&Heather Aboy Tenant Name N/A Careof: 123 Park Avenue Ext. Uncasville CT 06382- Telephone: (860)514-7884 Applicant Name Lindita Donahue Telephone: (860)534-1171 DBA: SolarCity Lic/Reg Type HIC Lic/Reg N 632778 714 Brook Street,Suite 150 Exp Date: 30-Nov-16 Rocky Hill CT 06067- Construction Value Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $2,429.00 Building Fee: $36.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Valu $0.00 Mechanical Fe $0.00 Electrical Value: $5,667.00 Electrical Fee: $72.00 Construction Type IRC Total Value: $8,096.00 Penalty Fee: S0.00 Permit Code: R4 C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comment Plan Review Fe $0.00 ***Framing Inspection Required*** State Ed Fee: $2.10 Total Fee Paid: $110.10 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING,MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ] R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor frami ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 © Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking Drafistopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation Certificate of Approval at- . Occupancy BuildingOfficial's Approval: �� e _ AO- Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel.860-848-3030, Ext 382 Lincasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: 9b((� E Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type ❑New Construction 0 Single Family El Building Il Addition ❑Two-Family 0 Plumbing ❑Alteration 0 Townhouse ❑Mechanical 0 Accessory Structure 0 Electrical CRS#: Property Address: 123 Park Ave Ext, (Number) (Street) (Unit) Job Description: Installation of (13) Roof Mounted Solar Panels Owner: Raleigh Aboy Address: 123 Park Ave Ext, City: Uncasville State: CT Zip Code: 06382 Telephone(_860 )514 7884 Applicant: Lindita Donahue SolarCity Address: 714 Brook St, STE 150 City: Rocky Hill State: CT Zip Code:06067 Telephone(860 534 1171 Contractors -Complete the Following: License Type: H IC Ucense No.:0632778 Expiration Date:11/30/16 i hereby certify that the proposed wont wiii conform to the State Bui[tzthg Co and ail other codes as adopted 8y the State ofCanrrectiuuf and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. • Owner(Agent Signature:. • Date: 01/08/16 Construction Value Permit/F,e/e�s� Building Value: $2,429 Building Fee 3l/C) • v�J Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: $5,667 Electrical Fee: Total Value: S 8096 Penalty Fee: C of Q Fee: Plan Review Fee: ^1 Slate Ed Fee: � Total Fee: - tll) -vised_August 23,2007 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 15-Jan-16 ReceiptNo: 11057 Received From: SolarCitv Job Address: 123 Park Avenue Ext. Town Fees Collected State of Connecticut Fees Collected Bldg Cash: 10.00 State Cash: $0.00 Bldg Check: 1110.10 State Check: 12.10 Bldg Credit: 10.00 State Credit: $0.00 Fire Cash: 10.00 Fire Check: 10.00 Fire Credit: 10.00 Construction Value: $8.096.00 Demolition Value: 10.00 CheckNo: 765607 Received By: Carmen Kneeland C--CA!`rytAdirl 0 Address: 123 Park Avenue Ext. ITEM QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA Basement,Finished SF $ 41.96 $ - $ - Interior Renovations SF $ 36.09 $ - $ - $ - AMENITIES Kitchen EA $ - $ Full Bathroom EA $ $ - Half-Bathroom EA $ - $ - GARAGE Detached SF $ 71.53 $ - $ - MECHANICAL Warm-Air n Y/N $ - Hot Water n Y/N $ - Electric n Y/N $ - Air Conditioning n Y/N $ - ELECTRICAL SERVICE Upgrade Amps $ - Subpanel EA $ 699.00 $ - Gen Set EA $ 3,850.00 $ - SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 6,497.70 $ - Masonry w/lfireplace EA $ 7,096.65 $ - Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 11,095.70 $ - Wood Stove,free standing EA $ 2,692.25 $ - Wood stove insert EA $ 1,859.77 $ - DECKS,PORCHES,SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 44.07 $ - Porch SF $ 149.38 $ - Sunroom SF $ 176.90 $ - $ - POOLS&HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 8,016.25 $ - $ - Inground Pool EA $ 31,550.00 $ - $ - Above Ground Round EA $ 6,299.46 $ - $ - Above Ground Oval EA $ 7,019.75 $ - $ - Pool Heater - EA $ 8,984.25 $ - $ - Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1,200.00 $ - $ - SHEDS w/o electrical SF $ 25.55 $ - w/electrical SF $ 26.85 $ - $ - RENOVATIONS Roofing,Overlay SF $ 3.50 $ - Roofing,Strip&reroof SF $ 4.50 $ - Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.51 $ - Siding SF $ 6.75 $ - Windows - EA $ 550.00 $ - Skylights EA $ 1,051.10 $ - Doors,Exterior EA $ 601.50 $ - Oil Tank,275 Gallon - EA $ - Oil Tank,550 Gallon EA $ MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS $ 2,429.00 $ 5,667.00 TOTALS $ 2,429.00 $ - $ - $ 5,667.00 PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ 2,429.00 $ 36.00 Plumbing y $ - $ - Mechanical y $ - $ - Electrical y $ 5,667.00 $ 72.00 Working before Permit Issuance $ _ Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ - Plan Review Fee $ - State Education Fee $ 2.10 TOTALS $ 8,096.00 $ 110.10 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data energize SM Permit# [For Jurisdiction Use]: CONNECTICUT 123 Park Ave Ext PAGE 1 OF 3 CT Standardized Solar PV Permit Application Supplement Please fill in the following information and submit ALL applicable attachments. Date: 01/08/16 General Description of Solar PV Array: 13 ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PANELS System Size(kW DC): 3.445 kw Solar PV Mounting Information Mounting Type(roof, pole,ground,other-specify): Roof Mounting System Manufacturer: Zep Product Name and Model#: Leveling Foot 850-1397,Ground Zep 850-1172,End Cap 850-1467,Interlock 850-1388,Grip 850-1421,Comp Mount C850-1382 Building Information(For Roof-Mounted Systems Only) Building Type(e.g. house,shed, barn,slab): HOUSE Building Height(in feet):24 FEET Is the building permitted? ❑l Yes 0 No 0 NA If no,reason: Electrical Description Size(amps)and type(phase,voltage)of electrical service: 100 A SINGLE PHASE120/240V 100 A Amperage of main breaker: Will the value of main breaker change? 0 Yes ❑= No To: Rated amperage of the bus bar in the main panel: 100 A Type of interconnection(e.g. breaker-load side,supply-side interconnect): PV-Backfeed Breaker Electrical panel location: BASEMENT If load side interconnect,will solar intertie into a subpanel? 0 Yes 0 No ( If yes,rated amperage of the subpanel bus bar? Value of breaker protecting subpanel bus bar? Attachments for application(See instructions on the next page. Example Attachments are available for download at www.energizect.com/sunrisene) El 1.Additional Subcontractors and Information stt Q 2.One-Line Electrical Drawing 0 3. One-Line Site Plan Drawing El 4.Attachment Details(Line Drawing)* El 5. Solar PV Module Specification Sheets From Manufacturer El 6. Inverter Specification Sheets From Manufacturer ❑ 7. Pole or Ground Mount Information(if applicable)* ❑ 8. Structural Evaluation (if required by municipality). See page 3 for documentation requirements. ❑ 9.Additional Information for Large Solar PV Systems(as Specified by the Municipality) *NOTE:Applicants should submit either Attachment 4 for roof-mounted systems OR Attachment 7 for pole/ground- mounted systems, not both. Version 8.1.2014 SolarCity Date: Ol/ S /i Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is to verify that L� rf'pk. is an authorized representative and employee of SolarCity Corporation and is authorized to pull any and all permits and any other project-related documents as needed for the following project: Address: ( ? 3 Pair r i V e x.4- Description: Solar panel roof mount installation System size: 3 ( L( 4 S -L Start Date: 0 7 i 3 /7,‘ Sincerely, Mike Brignano Regional Operations Manager, Hartford, CT CT Contractor's License #HIC.0632778 ACCAR ® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(mm/DDIVYYY) �,.� 08/17i2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy fes)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER _ - MARSH RISK& INSURANCE SERVICES NAME: PHONE _ FAX 345 CALIFORNIA STREET,SUITE 1300 INC No.EXIT: (APC,No CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO.0437153 E-MAIL SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94104 ngnRESS Attn:Shannon Scott 415.743.8334 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE _ NAIC a 908301-STND-GAWUE-15.16 INSURER A:Zurich American Insurance Company 15535 INSURED INSURER a:N/A NIA SolarCily Corporation 3055 Gearsiew Way INSURER C:N/A NIA San Mateo,CA 94102 INSURER D:American Zurich Insurance Company 40142 INSURER E: INSURER F_ COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: SEA-002713836.08 REVISION NUMBER:4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT VVITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILSSR' ADDLSLIBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP —" TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WY() POLICY NUMBER IMWDO/YYYYI (MMJD0/YYYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY G100182016-00 09/01/2015 09/01/2016 EACH OCCURRENCE I S 3,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE f X 1 OCCUR I DAMAC`i0 TO RENTED X SIR:5250,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ 3,000,000 MED EXP(Any one person) S 5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY s 3,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE PR�APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE S 6,000,00 X POLICY[ I Ter 7 Lac PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG a 6,000,000 r OTHER: S A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP0182017.00 09101/2015 09/01/2016 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT X ANY AUTO {Ea accident) S 5,000,000 BODILY INJURY(Per person) I S x ALL OWNED H.T.SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Purl/cc/dent)I b X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS (Pru account) S COMP/COLL DED: S $5,006 UMBRELLA UAB OCCUR 5 EACH OCCURRENCE EXCESS WAS CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S DED RETENTIONS S D AND EMPLO OERS'LIABILITY CMPENSATIONWC0182014-00(ACS) 09!01/2015 09/01/2015 x STATUTE I OTH- A ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE ER YIN WC0182015-00(MA) 09/01/2015 03101/2016 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? [N j NIA E,L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000.006 (Mandatary In NH) WO DEDUCTIBLE:a500,000 EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 5 1,000,000 !ryes describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE-PDUCY LIMIT S 1,006,506 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more apace is required) Evidence of insurance. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SolalCily Corporation SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 3055CIearvewWay THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL 13E DELIVERED IN San Mateo,CA 99402 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of Marsh Risk&Insurance Services Charles Marmolejo Cy- �, ()1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD t PL-U'-RCN lb I, 92437 STATE OF CONNECTICUT L,RPok•�TRjN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION 165 Capitol Avenue + Hartl'ortt Connecticut 06106 Attached is your Home Improvement Contractor Registration. This registration is not transferable. The Department of Consumer Protection must be notified of any changes to your registration within thirty(30)days of such change. Questions regarding this registration can be directed to the License Services Division at(86o)713-6000 or email dcp.licenseservices(&ct.gov. Visit our web site at www.ct.gov/dcp to verify registrations,download applications and the booklet for The Connecticut Contractor for Home Improvement and New Home Construction. STATE OF CONNECTICUT T1CU T DEP-1RT'JEAT OF CONSUMER PROTF,CTIO.V SOLARCITY CORPORATION HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO,CA 94402-3709 SAN MATEO,CA 94402-3709 LIC./REG N0 kFFE--i:—_---- L:VE Cd�YF-_ _- HIC.0632778 12/01/2015 11/30/2016 SIGNED 7L.fi a 411, . _..L* "!,�°--- �/✓ ♦ � a 1+ '�.'�' Z� ft.?' '��' �it�_ _,,s,1W_ 4 Jr �i A� . 4`,Y 4 * a ♦ 4 r w ♦ a ♦ . ♦ . ♦ n. ks' T,ATE OF CONNECTICUT + DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION l,t - ,:r Be it known that ' >.' SOLARCITY CORPORATION F . _ r 3055 ( LEARVIEW WAY SAN- TEO, CA 94402-3709 t { ii 1 is certified by the Department of Consumer Protection as a registered f • : j ;..- , HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR , :+ Registration # HIC.0632778 i • / 4 . Effective: 1.2/01/201.5 't Expiration: 11/30/20164 pi cfr.:"--v ' Jo Alum A.I lams,Commissioner I a , '' `• _--s � - � ; -_`.i,�' j '.0 tti � ? ,.I47f( ,4i, ( F4fbiM1'~� ,:e �. ',,,,..k.,„,:', ',i,- E1,,pF .."::,:..4", '5.t . 4p ,• -:,..% .. r , Town of Montville Building Department CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL Apnricent is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals. No permit will he issued until alt the required signatures are obtained. 123 Park Ave Ext, Uncasville CT 06382 Property Address Installation of (13) roof mounted solar panels ( 3.445 Kw) Job Description Required pe arlment Approval P Permit Issuance Approval 1 Tax Collector / iS'�l SignreJ¢ate� Comments: d I. Planning &Zoning Si ature!date Comments: 111 Fire Marshal .I. ` `� :JLJt�/>i�+ Signature/ a �. ) _C-- r Comments: ! 0- \ (� ❑ Health Department Required for properties with private septic or well Comments: \n vV y J WPCA, Administrative Required for properties on sewer Sign tura/ ate Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations When Required by WPCA Signature/date Comments: Cl Department of Public Works Required when project includes driveway work or certain drainage requirements Signature/date Comments: ❑ Montville Police Department • _ Required for all permits EXCEPT one and two family residential Signature/date Comments: fl State Dept. of Transportation Re•aired for Structures over 100 000 s.,ft.or with more than 200 •arkin• s•aces-Official en• ofSTC Certificate ofC7•eratianre•aired—ger CGS 14-311 Signature!date Building Department Review Complete Signature!date Qevisr� y13,2011 Version#53.6-TBD SolarCity RU January 8, 2016 RE: CERTIFICATION LETTER Project/Job # 0632874 Project Address: Aboy Residence 123 Park Ave Ext Uncasville, CT 06382 AHJ Montville SC Office Hartford Design Criteria: -Applicable Codes = 2003 IBC/2009 IRC w/CT Amendments,ASCE 7-05, and 2005 NDS - Risk Category = II -Wind Speed = 115 mph, Exposure Category C - Ground Snow Load = 35 psf - MP1: Roof DL = 11.5 psf, Roof LL/SL = 30.1 psf(Non-PV Areas), Roof LL/SL = 30.1 psf(PV Areas) Note: Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss = 0.22152 < 0.4g and Seismic Design Category (SDC) = B < D To Whom It May Concern, A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from SolarCity. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluationl certify that the existing structure, with upgrades specified in the plans, directly supporting the PV system is adequate to withstand all loading indicated in the design criteria above based on the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the ASCE 7 standards for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans submitted for approval. Additionally a summary of the structural review is provided in the results summary tables on the following page. NO' soNNEc1f# Digitally signed by Humphrey �`�� G cT��'� Sincerely, Kariuki 4144'• 'tom='` Humphrey Kariuki, P.E. Date: 2016.01.08 12:03:11 s N�= -t✓. • Professional Engineer -05'00' r 4."4, moo' $' T: 443.451.3515 °, .gp•••1:1.S.%• V`� • email: hkariuki@solarcity.com " ii `;; 3055 Ciearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T(650)638-1028 (888)SOL-CITY F(650)638-1u2v, soiarcIty.con Version#53.6-TBD SolarCity RU HARDWARE DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY TABLES Landscape Hardware-Landscape Modules' Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MP1 72" 24" 39" NA Staggered 77.6% Portrait Hardware-Portrait Modules' Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MP1 48" 18" 66" NA Staggered 86.4% Mounting Plane Framing Qualification Results Structure Type Spacing Pitch Member Evaluation Results MP1 Stick Frame @ 24 in. O.C. 24° Member Analysis OK w/Upgrades as Specified in Plans Refer to the submitted drawings for details of information collected during a site survey. All member analysis and/or evaluation is based on framing information gathered on site.The existing gravity and lateral load carrying members were evaluated in accordance with the IBC and the IEBC. 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 r(650)638-1028 (888)SOL-CITY F(650)638-1029 solarcity.com STRUCTURE ANALYSIS - LOADING SUMMARY AND MEMBER CHECK - MP1 Member Properties Summary MP1 Horizontal Member Spans Upgraded Rafter Properties Overhang 1.16 ft Net W 3.00" Roof System Properties Span 1 12.91 ft Equiv D 6.43" Number of Spans(w/o Overhang) 1 Span 2 Nominal Yes Roofing Material Comp Roof Span 3 A 19.30 in.^2 Re-Roof No Span 4 SX 20.70 in.^3 Plywood Sheathing No Span 5 Ix 66.61 in.^4 Board Sheathing Solid-Sheathing Total Rake Span 15.40 ft TL Defl'n Limit 120 Vaulted Ceiling No PV 1 Start 1.08 ft Wood Species SPF Ceiling Finish 1/2"Gypsum Board PV 1 End 13.25 ft Wood Grade #2 Rafter Slope 24° PV 2 Start Fb 875 psi Rafter Spacing 24" O.C. PV 2 End F„ 135 psi Top Lat Bracing Full PV 3 Start E 1400000 psi Bot Lat Bracing At Supports PV 3 End Emin 510000 psi Member Loading Summary Roof Pitch 6/12 Initial Pitch Adjust Non-PV Areas PV Areas Roof Dead Load DL 11.5 psf x 1.09 12.6 psf 12.6 psf PV Dead Load PV-DL 3.0 psf x 1.09 3.3 psf Roof Live Load RLL 20.0 psf x 0.93 18.5 psf Live/Snow Load LL/SL1'2 35.0 psf x 0.86 I x 0.86 30.1 psf 30.1 psf Total Load(Governing LC) TL 42.7 psf 46.0 psf Notes: 1. ps= Cs*pf; Cs-roof, Cs-pv per ASCE 7[Figure 7-2] 2. pf= 0.7(Ce)(Ct)(Is)Pg; Ce=0.9, Ct=1.1, I5=1.0 Member Design Summary (per NDS) Governing Load Comb CD CL(+) CL(-) CF Cr D + S 1.15 1.00 0.96 1.2 1.15 Member Analysis Results Summary Governing Analysis Max Demand @ Location Capacity DCR Result Bending (+) Stress 1093 psi 7.7 ft 1389 psi 0.79 Pass CALCULATION OF DESIGN WIND LOADS - MP1 Mounting Plane Information Roofing Material Comp Roof PV System Type SolarCity SleekMount"' Spanning Vents No Standoff(Attachment Hardware) Comp Mount Type C Roof Slope 24° Rafter Spacing 24"O.C. Framing Type/ Direction Y-Y Rafters Purlin Spacing X-X Purlins Only NA Tile Reveal Tile Roofs Only NA Tile Attachment System Tile Roofs Only NA Standing Seam/Trap Spacing SM Seam Only NA Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code ASCE 7-05 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind Speed V 115 mph Fig. 6-1 Exposure Category C Section Roof Style Gable Roof Fig. 6-11B/C/D-14A/B Mean Roof Height h 15 ft Section 6.2 Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure KZ 0.85 Table 6-3 Topographic Factor Kit 1.00 Section 6.5.7 Wind Directionality Factor Kd 0.85 Table 6-4 Importance Factor I 1.0 Table 6-1 qh = 0.00256(Kz)(Kzt) (Kd) (V^2) (I) Equation 6-15 Velocity Pressure qh 24.4 psf Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Up) GCp(up) -0.87 'Hg.6-11B/C/D-14A/B Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Down) GCp(Down) 0.45 Fig.6-11B/C/D-14A/B Design Wind Pressure ___P p = qh (GCp) Equation 6-22 Wind Pressure Up Pm)) -21.4 psf Wind Pressure Down _ P dowoi 11.0 psf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 72" 39" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape 24" NA Standoff Configuration Landscape Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 20 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -388 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 77.6% X-Direction Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 66" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 18" NA Standoff Configuration Portrait Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 22 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -432 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 86.4% � g I _ Amo 3<�-��"'c�i<o�8Zimz Zoroc"i ozmDc"i,2�C)C)0r C) gqy„ r p �v N�n 2 NE, * D v G)v C)C CO-IC) nC h yo��i y K m Z*<<<C-I v)N WA A AI 0 z zz mr T.T.NC)C)2 C)()Cl?1mm mum CO DD sigog ��L� m = c) mDOrIIZvna_=2pzQozo-c{* ZD000��-i0O rrnn'"inQmzPry ivF, FR4F' N '-' m D DD-I nz=mO�mm�T7 MvrL<�q.mm cc< n� -uC7 C)CAm D Com" 24mzo o iii- Ca-I z mm 7:),—m 73 �OAZO� EamoDrO�Zzv��?rN�l czi m�m�nrA*t "4' ORaQ��- C v(nmr -<�N D -170 �m ,-,m I D z crm COW1�1�7 * ERKI`m"� Cr 73 -Di-Di N ➢_zrmD A Dnp v OvWr �� Z W nSAg1,;n,1 m O Z O> co (cn r�T nAm m m�� D m T�.m AZ ('7 � 4 m m - m x m z m n m�3.. p a �� A rn ys � tn -' = z� v c) Z A D v A rsi 4 O n 0 0 c7 Z r A p Z Ov c') Z z I--I *��� A O n m. m m c) - Z- 1- cm m o �� p p m p NJ Vl Z Z Z Z _ C0 Z v G) p 0 41 '� N r� N C) C) 0 0 Z 5 = m I s L c,+ o CO O o c N CD EJ rn �N)>7' W-'2 3Z Coo C Z)Co C7 m CD' C) 0)n7 m Cn 2 D '3Z�C)r W N C;' <n �k N .2' z 0DDI rm• N Z 0 2C. > mOD' r C ! 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