HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeating and AC 2013 Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department 860-848-3030 Ext.382 Address: 107 Park Avenue Ext. Job Description: Install Ductless Heat Pump & A/C System Permit Number(s) M2013-0060 Permit Date: April 23,2013 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Comments Special Date Conditions Electric • • 6/21/2 DJ Outside unit S 6/21/2 DJ 2 interior wall units • 6/21/2 DJ Final inspection and • • certificate of approval • 6/21/2 DJ **NOTE** After one re-inspection additional inspection fees payable prior to re-inspection,are as follows: Residential inspections(except SFR C/O& SFR Additions C/01-$10.00 SFR and Additions C/0 re-inspections -$10.00 Commercial re-inspections(except Certificate of Occupancy- $25.00 Commercial Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 Rev.Date:1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 ¢i, TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860)848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit Number: M2013-0060 Date: 23-Apr-13 Map/Lot 096/022-000 Owner ID: 5321000 Project Location: 107 PARK AVENUE EXTENSION Unit: Job Description: Install Ductless Heat Pump&A/C System Owner Nam Michelle R.Frantz Tenant Name N/A Careof: 2916 Cumberland Road Berkley MI 48072- Telephone: Applicant Name: James Rollins Telephone: (203)315-0323 DBA: AIR Inc. Lic/Reg Type Si Lic/Reg No 391442 171 Short Beach Exp Date: 31-Aug-13 Branford CT 06405- Construction Value Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Valu $8,000.00 Mechanical Fee $96.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type IRC Total Value: $8,000.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comment Plan Review Fe $0.00 State Ed Fee: $2.08 Total Fee Paid: $98.08 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING,MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framin ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing 0 R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation 0 Certificate •'Approval 'i e of Occupancy Building Official's Approval: Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: p1r ' 'l. -rinitc0 Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type ❑ New Construction ,)Single Family ❑Building ❑Addition ❑Two-Family ❑ Plymbing 0-Alteration ❑Townhouse R-MOfechanical ❑Accessory StrucStructure ❑Electrical CRS#: Property Address: /0) 44 � ► (Number) (Street) (Unitt))? Job Description: K- �j 6 �' + 4-e4- �� -e-/0 / C_ oco Owner: Address: t)? 1 j� �'� City: / " '6"(11t'�( (4c � itate: C,� Zip Code: L Telephone( 1 ) Applicant: 1E a,kJ DBA: 1 (' Address: 17( Pod" 'J ex'Zc City: g r State: ` Zip Code: Ci'e,YO‹.--- Telephone(d6J ).(r - � )3 Contractors - Complete the Following: / License Type: /-1TCr License No. [�l Y 1- Expiration Date: e f I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. y checking this box, I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner Agen Signature: Cte.-4-44) Date: l Construction Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: <Pae) Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: cetft) .- Penalty Fee: C of 0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: Wfvised.August 23,2007 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 19-Apr-13 ReceiptNo: 8307 Received From: Gofor Serices Lnc Job Address: 107 Park Ave. Ext. Town Fees Collected State of Connecticut Fees Collected Bldg Cash: $0.00 State Cash: $0.00 Bldg Check: $98.08 State Check: $2.08 Bldg Credit: $0.00 State Credit: $0.00 Fire Cash: $0.00 Fire Check: $0.00 Fire Credit: $0.00 Construction Value: $8,000.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 CheckNo: 3740 Received By: David Jensen 6)A072,.2..--s. Address: 107 Park Ave. Ext. ITEM QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA Basement,Finished - SF $ 41.96 $ - $ Interior Renovations SF $ 36.09 $ - $ - $ AMENITIES Kitchen EA $ - $ _ $ Full Bathroom EA $ _ $ Half-Bathroom EA $ - $ GARAGE Detached - SF $ 71.53 $ - $ MECHANICAL Warm-Air n Y/N $ _ Hot Water n Y/N $ _ Electric n WN $ _ Air Conditioning n Y/N $ _ ELECTRICAL SERVICE Upgrade Amps $ _ Subpanel EA $ 699.00 $ _ Gen Set EA $ 3,850.00 $ _ SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 6,497.70 $ - Masonry w/lfireplace - EA $ 7,096.65 $ - Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 11,095.70 $ - Wood Stove,free standing EA $ 2,692.25 $ - Wood stove insert - EA $ 1,859.77 $ - DECKS,PORCHES,SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 44.07 $ - Porch - SF $ 149.38 $ - Sunroom SF $ 176.90 $ - $ POOLS&HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 8,016.25 $ - $ _ Inground Pool EA $ 31,550.00 $ - $ _ Above Ground Round EA $ 6,299.46 $ - $ _ Above Ground Oval EA $ 7,019.75 $ - $ Pool Heater EA $ 8,984.25 $ - $ _ Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1200.00 $ - $ _ SHEDS w/o electrical SF $ 25.55 $ - w/electrical - SF $ 26.85 $ - $ RENOVATIONS Roofing,Overlay SF $ 3.50 $ - Roofing,Strip&reroof SF $ 4.50 $ - Roof Sheathing - SF $ 1.51 $ - Siding - SF $ 6.75 $ - Windows - EA $ 550.00 $ - Skylights EA $ 1,051.10 $ - Doors,Exterior EA $ 601.50 $ - Oil Tank,275 Gallon - EA $ - Oil Tank,550 Gallon EA $ - MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS $ 8,000.00 TOTALS $ - $ - $ 8,000.00 $ - PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ - $ _ Plumbing y $ _ $ - Mechanical y $ 8,000.00 $ 96.00 Electrical y $ - $ Working before Permit Issuance n $ - Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ _ Plan Review Fee $ _ State Education Fee $ 2.08 TOTALS $ 8,000.00 $ 98.08 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data L'11171 IL v.) ;9,-1 rnuu- --..„.,...w.viwi5. 70::?4•:;170WV:s;::KM141.4f6f1;::q11:Nie:WifTy. 4 :::::fiij;-.04... zt;ms.,::::-.;•:s.4.:,,,,:g:.,:::::...A:.,:;.:e:::•;::,, ; .. :::7:_;;;. ::...:.,,..,,,;:, k,„-...: ;,....,.A . •• • .. . . . 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't".' •- - • • • Ai 40,: ::i,if r--,....::: ::---;:2..-,.....;i: .7-,.5:::.-i.. .,;4‘;':::4:71571%Th-..7'T't-7:*.'' !Itil • . !;ggiiii7;..,;:iarli;i.§7.;:iii, &ggfAei;0114:.1.,.ti.41: ::Itc ZIA5Uilatil :: :.§.;:g:.i..*11644i•WK°L. ftIg---4 :'-'4". _ - • ., • 1• �■� Apr. 18. 2013 12: 35PM Pawson Group No. 8299�IN:N. 1/1 OPID: LA � �oRo CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMlDDIYYYY) •� 04/18/2013 ■ ■ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS ■ CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCERCONTACT Phone: 203-481-8898 NAME: Lori Alldredge The Paw son Group PHOFAX 31 Business Park Drive Fax: 203-481-5077 NC,NENo,Ext): 203-315-3417 (NC,No): 203481-5077 Branford, CT 06405 A-MAIL Joseph Dendas ADDRESS: IOria@pawson.corn INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC* INSURER A:Wesco Insurance Co INSURED Air, Inc. INSURER B:BERKLEY NET UNDERWRITERS Vendor#872785 INSURER C: 171 Short Beach Rd Branford, CT 06405 INSURERD: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE 7WUL SUUN POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTRINSR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MMIDDIYYYY) (MM/DDIYYYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY WPP108171600 01/15/2013 01/15/2014 DAMAGE'-TO RENTEb PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ 100,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ • 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 —1 POLICY PRO- LOC $ JECT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) 1,000,000 A X ANY AUTO WPP108171600 01/15/2013 01/15/2014 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident $ AUTOS AUTOS ) NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE HIRED AUTOS _ AUTOS (Per accident) X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE 042864493 01/15/2013 01/15/2014 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 DED X RETENTION $ 10000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATIONWC STATU- 0TH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N I TORY LIMITS I I ER B ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE BNUWC0122771 01/15/2013 01/15/2014 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 500,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 500,000 lI yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS!LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,it more space Is required) for work being done at 16 Dennis Dr, Montville, CT CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION TOWNMON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Town of Montville 310 Norwich New London Tpk Uncasville,CT 06382 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Joseph Dendas ®1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD License Dl 308754 INC. Heating & Air Conditioning 171 Short Beach Road, Branford, CT 06405 Phone"(203) 315-0323 Fax (203) 315-0344 DATE: qkg TO: /fir G[e ATTN: Town Building Inspector RE: PERMIT AUTHORIZATION LETTER Dear Sirs: In accordance with Public Act 91-95,this letter serves as written authorization and notification that GoFor Services,Inc. and it's employees and agents have the authority to represent us in the procurement of permits and pertinent documentation on our behalf. This letter or a photocopy thereof may be regarded by any building official as it's authority to recognize GoFor Services,Inc. as our authorized Agent to sign on our behalf applications for permits and any other related documents that may be required by you,and we agree that,for all purposes,we and not GoFor Services or it's employees and agents shall be deemed to be the signer of any such applications and related documents. Project Type: Location: `07 /61 (2I' -),/(,e, G'T (o2ft ) (1/Authorized Agent Gofor Services,Inc. � Service Agent Name Very truly yours, �-�- 0,1AA•1-4,- (�tn►��jjr►� krasriow ,S1-391 LicensedSignature Printed/Name& License Number 04-18-' 13 10: 19 FROM- T-827 P0004/0004 F-556 ®M. HEATING & COOLING LOAD CALCULATION Name Date / / Address _ Consultant City St Zip Ph: H W_ Job Address Job Ph: • I X W = Total Sq/ft _ Ceiling Height L 1 X W = Total Sq/ft Ceiling Height 11111111111.1.1.111111111101111.1111.1111111111111—. . Cooling Design: Inside 73°F Outside 90°F -.Hee i n? Deo ! : Ineide 71 °F • tslde 7°F Gtlh'1♦!. j 6 fit `/) , Column A TYPES OF EXPOSURE AREA Fact BTU FACT BTU SQ-FT. 20 ' . TD HEAT GAIN 75 oqo TO HEAT LOSS Windows 8 Glass Doors1 %/// oaf wns 55 v iinOa+s S Glass Doors tL' 7 /4 SMQte Pens» 85 Other Doors 1.5 e3 r 50 - Net Exposed Waite`Bric -Frame 7 20 W 1.6° ineuleson Sheath 5 15 � _. 1 e^- Insulation V ' e3 3 ai73/41C 3.5'Insulation 3 L. B'Mosonry-Flom or Pleatared • 10 .40. Above Grade(Include CR Specs) Slab Floor-Ba*ament•Crawl IL 4 W)X 2 Geeing-No In eutation 13 45 R 7.(2 insulation) 4 8 R 11 (4'Ins,4iUon) 2.5 _ 5' R19(8"Insulation) /. . 2 ( QQ 4 R 24(10"Ineuiatlon) F ♦ 1.6 3 R 33(15"Insulation) 1 2 Under Unconditioned Room(New Insulation) 3 20 . Glass _007 / '(Factors Do Net include duct gain tactors Or loss) FACING NO SHADES SHADES AWNINGS NORTH 04 41 31 %• =In Illatrallillaa �r�, Factors I running feet exposed wall S O1N SO 56 s 31 OiSE OR 8W 7e 31 _ easement 130 SOUTH 48 32 31 ./...- . - I Crawl 60 SKYLIGHTS en R 100 Heat Runs In Slab Amount co Kltthena 1200 — / 1"Edge Insulation 35 Amount of Bedrooms • 800 M IIs P211 2"Ed.- Insulation 25 % Subtotals j�j` i r Duct ficin 8 Loss • �j� 1.1 /j���/ • ��������������������������������� (for ductwork In unconditioned Space onl» 1_15 „/// / �/ Total Sensible Oain d Loaa rFiri4 I 1 63(7 Total Output> 1.Latents Infillrati Galn %/ 1.3 % / /, .. //. 2.Infiltration Loss ��/� A. lq, VV � 8046 AFUE=1.20 B5%AFUE=1,15 '///// (/V 90%AFUE-1.10 95%AFUE=1.05 Refer to Construction for multiplier(use for Heat&AC)9. , • TOW Input> Equipment Size: 4 1, aged DDSs-Eae-EO DdI WUDir9 6102 Li Ddb S ' . 1 I "0 • • • • 1. ' . i I ; I mi • • ^- ' � ' : 1 .Z iili F ' 1 •I .1. itve' i i i . ^ � • • • - - -- ^• /- ........;-• - 1 - - T j ---`^^ �~ ---~ - -'--� `- �� L � -L- -�-- +T � `^ — ---'�-- T' ' r - ' r � Town of Montville Building Department CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL Applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals. No permit will be issued until all the required signatures are obtained. Property Address Job Description Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval • Tax Collector At ,��f j /13 Signature/date Comments: Planning & Zoning Y41//e' Signature/date Comments: L c Fire Marshal (�j Comments: ! trl L I ll l�(L—�! Signature /date ❑ Health Department Required for properties with private septic or well Comments: U WPCA, Administrative Required for properties on sewer Signatur date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations When Required by WPCA Signature/date Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works Required when project includes driveway work or certain drainage requirements Signature/date Comments: (� Montville Police Department Required for all permits EXCEPT one and two family residential Signature/date Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation Required for Structures over 100,000 sq.ft.or with more than 200 parking spaces-Official copy of STC Certificate of Operation required-per CGS 14-311 Signature/date Building Department Review Complete Signature/date Revised.May 23,2011