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A/C ductwork, any refrigeration, gas piping
Add a wall - Thames Valley Alternative
Adding Break Room sink
C/O Remodel Restaurant (Hillbilly's)
C/O Tenant Fit Out (Jim's Pizza)
C/O Tenant Fit Out Thames Valley Alternative
Connect sinks to existing drains
Electrical for Tenant Fit out - Thames Valley Alternative
Extend Gas Lines to cooking appliances
Floor plan for Hillbilly's
Illuminated Wall Sign - Hillbilly's
Install Firewall and framing for smoker grill, remodel counters, etc
Kitchen Exhaust Hood & Fire suppression system
Kitchen Hood & Fire Suppression for Hilbilly's
Paint, install hardwood floor, move interior partition
Plywood and painted mural - Hillbilly's Restaurant
Repair electrical done by tenant, powering vent hoods
Rooftop Air Unit, Fire suppression system approvals
Run water/drain lines to sinks
Tenant Fit Out - interior renovations (Jim's Pizza)
Tenant Fit Out - Thames Valley Alternative Relief
Wiring where needed to bring restaurant to code