HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutPROCEEDURES CHECK LIST2018 - 06/12 - Violation2018 - 07/02 - Citation2018 - 07/20 - Request for Hearing2018 - 08/06 - Citation2018 - 08/20 - Interim Inspection2018 - 08/24 - Citation Abated Notice2018 - 09/07 - Violation Abated Letter2019 - 05/08 - Violation201905081506191992020 - 02/05 - Responce to Phone Conversation2020 - 08/25 - Citation2020 - 09/10 - Atty Response to Citation2020 - 9/18 - Town Atty Citation Letter2021- 6/3- New owner deed2021- 6/3 Schedule A new ownerIMG_3579IMG_3580IMG_3581IMG_3582IMG_3583IMG_3584Owner response 05-15-19VIOLATION NOTICE Complaint Received - Copy - Copy